MDHealthline (Top rated, independent agent, two-tier, commission - NEW -)
Company offers health products including Viagra® , XENICAL®, CLARITIN® , CELEBREX , also many new herbal alternatives from Physician's Choice, a respected leader in
the homeopathic and herbal fieldwith with lowest internet prices(!) You can earn 10% of prescription sale, plus 2,5% of the prescription product price, and 5 US$ for
every bottle of herbal products. You will receive link to your generated site and everything what you need to do is to
promote that link. Real time tracking and promotion tools are included. This is one of the best opportunities, products are popular, do not miss this chance.
Click on link above, scroll to the bottom of page and click on Affiliate Prog link to know
more details. SignUp is free and program is for international affiliates too.
CyberBounty - (Top Rated, for web sites, pays per lead, THREE-tier)
This is my favorite. New, very fast growing sponsor for your site. Offers 'free stuff', including some rare offers. Now is Three-tier, what means that you earn 5% from first level and
3% from 2nd level. Free stuff site, free stuff newsletter (links with your code), live click-through stats..
Stats (leads) are updated weekly or bi-weekly, minimum for check is that you earn 100$ in that month.
This sponsor is highly recommended. SignUp is free. Do not wait.
One and only network - (Top Rated, for web sites, commission, two-tier)
15% commission and 33% from sub affiliates. Sounds good? Anyway, this program is recommended for webmasters. You can join (for free) for few programs there.
Well known internet personals, alternative connection, and auction site. You have your
personal site for every of these programs, and everything what you need to do is
promote your link to that site(s). Click on link above for details and/or SignUp.
Bach System (OnResponse) - (Top Rated, pays per lead, two-tier)
Bach is now OnResponse. Also, with new site, better statistic. Their new site is FreebieClub, with all free stuff offers (and links with your code). Minimum for monthly check is that you earn 50 US$ in that month. Take a look. That will cost you nothing, and sign up is free.
Web sponsors - (Top rated, for web sites, pays per lead, two-tier)
As above, this offer is for web sites. Add free stuff on your site and earn money. Simple.
And profitable. Similar offers as above, but more. Also, you are earning money reffering other webmasters (two-tier).
Conditions for join are similar as above. 250 - 500 visitors daily, for free stuff sites 100+ is enough.
Cognigen - free business opportunity (Top Rated - independent
This offer is only for serious persons. If you are not ready to working hard, don't waste your time to sign up.
Your job here is to sell various kinds of low rate distance phone cards, international callback cards and more
products... Opportunity is international, but if you are living in USA, you have a more chance to quit your daily
job, and work only this. You have a strong support from company, your own website, private web board for agents,
awards and always updated reports. So, if you are ready for hard and profitable work, click on link above and read
more. Sign up is free.